Textile Surfaces with Emily Notman – 6th July 2024

The Artist

"I create bespoke textiles mixing media and building up tactile delicate surfaces. I work and rework my pieces with paint, dyes, bleach and ink, burning and layering until finishing it with hand stitch. I find beauty in flaky walls, overgrown buildings and encrusted surfaces; this is something I like to recreate in my work.

My pieces evolve and grow with time, incorporate history with layering and sometimes the tiniest mark made or stitch changes a piece dramatically it’s this detail that excites me".

The workshop

This workshop is designed to push the boundaries of materials and inspire you to create your own exciting fabric textures, applique surfaces and mini textile samples. You will explore applying both colour and mark making pattern to a range of fabrics, paper and plastic surfaces. Then you will use these backgrounds as bases for your own beautiful set of samples finished with decorative mixed media embellishments, contemporary couching and hand embroidery.

1 day workshop - 6 July 2024
10 - 4.30
£99 includes all materials & refreshments - please bring along lunch or alternatively visit one of the two Cafes on site or the  award winning farm shop.